
Retreat_1Fireside members are leaders in their particular fields who share the Fireside vision to create an open and supportive community of leaders in Asia. Our professional backgrounds are diverse, ranging from government, academia, internet companies, non-profit organizations, and various types of social ventures among many others.

Membership to the Fireside community is by invitation by current members. The usual process is for the members from each country chapter to nominate candidates who then go through a vetting process. As some parts of the Fireside retreats are highly personal in nature and require the utmost respect for confidentiality, the vetting process is mainly to ensure a safe environment for the members, not to exclude or discriminate for any particular reason. Once inducted, members are asked to adhere to rules of confidentiality and commitment to attendance.

Current members are mostly from the Greater China, Japan, and Korea, but membership is open to people of all nationalities who share our vision and are interested in learning about Asia.