Category Archives: Events

Retreat 2014 / 1: Jeju

Banner SquareTheme : Redefining Fireside & Getting To Know Jeju On Foot

Fireside Steering Group Members will meet by ourselves for the first time since the founding of Fireside Retreat in 2010. After three years of successfully hosting heartfelt and intimate chats around the fire (the fire was always in our hearts, and we are still searching for the perfect fire by which side to put down our roots) with a rapidly increasing number of members, the goal of this Spring Retreat in Jeju is to have a quiet, private retreat for ourselves to evaluate our past retreats, revisit our mission, and plan the future direction of our unique community.

Program : 

This retreat will be all about walking, walking and more walking the various nature paths of Jeju while we bond and get to know the beauty of this island on foot. We will visit the Jeju Stone Park, one of the largest and most beautiful man-made parks in Korea. We will also walk in the Saryuni Forest where we will follow one of the most beloved trails in Jeju. In the spirit of really familiarizing ourselves with the local scene, we will return to Daepyungpogu, a small fishing town which we visited in the pitch black night time of the first retreat in Jeju. A tiny local cafe with room enough just for us will be the venue of our intensive discussions about redefining our mission and charting the future course of Fireside. We will capture bird’s eye views of Fireside through a drone which joins us for the first time.