Category Archives: Events

Retreat 2013 / 1: Nara


The theme of Fireside 2013 Spring Retreat is “Making all of Asia our home”. Nara was the capital of Japan from 710 to 794. The city, and its Buddhist temples, were built by Indians, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese together. It was a cosmopolitan Asian city at the end of Silk Road which celebrated the diversity and richness of all of Asia. We will spend time together in this ancient Asian city, feeling, discussing, and sharing what it means for each of us to make all of Asia our home.


The Nara Retreat will be Fireside’s first two-full day retreat, filled with culturally rich programs. We will be welcomed by the Mayor of Nara, gain special access to parts of ancient temples not open to the general public and participate in a special tea ceremony with Buddhist monks. There will also be a screening of a film by the Cannes Grand Prix director, Naomi Kawase, and a discussion with her. Naomi was born in Nara, has filmed in Nara, and is now organizing the Nara International Film Festival in her home town. We will also be tasting the different foods unique to this part of Japan, and our retreat will include a visit to a restaurant which cooks healthy dishes with vegetables the restaurant owners grow themselves with original seeds from Nara. The Nara Hotel, where the members will be staying, is one of the oldest western-style hotels in Japan which has preserved its old world feel.